Rewind back to one year ago and who thought Covid-19 would have such a massive impact and for so long? We certainly weren’t expecting it.

The phrase “we expect to go back to normal” keeps shifting by a few months at a time, first it was October, then January, then Easter and now we are looking at June. Only this time, we have a good reason to believe things will finally start settling down – vaccine! So as long as folks in pharma industry can produce and distribute the long-awaited vaccines in timely manner, then we’re on track to resume where we left off.

We are almost certain that eventually conferences will go back to their full glory with packed conference rooms and buzzing networking suites, but how will it look in the nearer future?

Our predictions:
Hybrid conferences and events are here to stay. Even before Covid situation we’ve been noticing a rise in web streaming requests and AV facilities for remote speakers. Now with virtual systems booming and improving by the day, hybrid and virtual is here to stay. Technology is moving forward and we expect the trend to become a part of our normal conference routine.

Catering will carry on being served individually portioned, but we don’t expect this concept to last for very long. Once the nation is immunised and the virus is under control, we would expect the buffet style dining to make a return to conferences with a bang. In the meantime, we’ll stick to bento boxes, salad bowls and hot pots.

Social distancing will remain for a little bit even when restrictions are lifted. It may not be full distance as per government guidelines, but even the most social people in the world will need a transition period till we feel completely comfortable being within close proximity to other people. In result we’ll run lower capacities, possibly overflow rooms, spaced out networking areas and adjusted registration processes.

We have to remember this is only temporary and the world along with events industry and conference venues will bounce back, no doubt. But for now we can only hope and keep updating our COVID 19 Policies.